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A member registered Apr 13, 2016

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enjoyed it VERY much. your tbh model is so so cute

really enjoyted this game. the only thing that could make it better is being able to click it faster because it will just become silent if you try to do that. otherwise absolute perfection i have it pinned to my taskbar for emergency dopamine

this game was absolutely phenomenal. it's games like these that keep that little spark of hope alive in my heart that it's still possible to innovate and be creative when making games, and that things don't have to be recycled into the ground forever. games from you are always a blessing and i can't overstate how much i enjoy them and consider them required playing for anyone who enjoys horror, existential dread, or the bizarre.

this was the first game of yours i personally played, and without having watched someone else play it first. i played until i got both endings and both were a lot of fun and didn't feel like too much work, i was really excited and surprised when on the second try i was able to unlock certain things earlier and access more dialogue. i loved reading everything and spending time thinking about The Lore and letting my brain fill in the gaps.

i feel like i could ramble about it forever but i'll leave this at Thank You, for this game and for all your other games and your creative spirit and excellent sense of aesthetics. looking forward to more!